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Gregor uses a wheelchair. He is an international expert on the topic of people with disabilities in society and business. For founding the inclusive online job platform myAbility.jobs (former Career Moves) and the consulting company myAbility, he received national and international awards and recognition. Since 2013, Gregor Demblin is an Ashoka Fellow.

Gregor has consulted several of the biggest companies of the German speaking region, as well as to various institutions, e.g. the EU commission and the Czech government, on disability and the labour market. In 2016 he launched the first such business disability network: DisAbility Wirtschaftsforum (eng.: Austrian DisAbiliy Business Forum). It is the biggest B2B-network connecting business and disability in Austria that has entered into the strategic alliance with bdi.

Gregor’s groundbreaking work has been recognised by numerous awards including:

Wundsam-Hartig Preis 2010
Architects-of-the-Future Award 2012
Trigos Award 2012
European Award for Social Entrepreneurship and Disability 2014
Sozial Marie 2014
DiversCity Award 2014
Österreichischer Staatspreis für PR 2014
HR Award Gold 2017
seif Award 2017

Gregor Demblin