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Learning Directly From Disabled People
Why is it important to ‘learn directly from disabled people’ and how do you make it happen in order to build a more successful, productive, efficient and inclusive future for business and disabled people?
bdi’s inaugural publication, ‘Learning Directly From Disabled People’ is designed as an innovative and pragmatic toolkit to enable a global business to improve its ‘disability confident’ performance.

The publication is divided into 3 parts. It will:
1. Help senior global business leaders understand why learning directly from disabled people is essential, and the business performance imperative
2. Give practical advice on how an organisation can create the framework to learn directly from disabled people as a matter of routine
3. Inspire colleagues with case studies from organisations that have benefited directly from the knowledge and experiences of disabled people

The toolkit also helps you to stimulate country-level conversations about how a business, wherever it operates, can learn directly from people with disabilities.
Learning Directly from Disabled People
If you would like a copy of the publication, please click the button below to access the download page.
Accessibility: Please note, the publication is in pdf format so please email us directly at info@businessdisabilityinternational.org. If you would prefer to receive a hard copy by post, or an alternative accessible format via email (please specify).
If you have any questions then please get in touch:
e: info@businessdisabilityinternational.org
t: + 44 (0)797 492 6220
Many thanks,
The bdi Team