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Phil himself a wheelchair user, is acknowledged as the UK’s foremost consultant on disability matters. A powerful and highly popular communicator, his company – Phil & Friends – provides consultancy to many of the country’s best-known companies.
He is also a respected champion for equal opportunities and diversity in general, where his special blend of humour and direct speaking has won admirers from around the world.
Phil has also worked on disability and diversity projects in Estonia, Romania, Poland, Germany, Canada and the USA. He was awarded an OBE in 2001 for services to equal opportunities and disabled people; made a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts in February 2007; and awarded an honorary Doctor of Science (Hon. DSc) in 2009 by the University of Hertfordshire.

He is a Director of Dining with a Difference (www.diningwithadifference.com) and is the former Chair of Royal Association for Disability and Rights (RADAR) and Disability Rights (UK) and is now their Ambassador. Other roles include: Vice President of the Level Playing Field, Associate of the Business Disability Forum, Chair of RICA, and a trustee of the English Federation for Disability Sport.